March, 2023


2h 55m


---------------------[Playing on 'Normal Mode']--------------------

I've committed the grave sin of buying a Nintendo Switch game digitally; breaking my streak of purchased physical copies. I just couldn't help myself and wait until it released over where I live. Now, the 6.8GB will forever remind me of my shame and lack of self-control over my own desires...

That aside the game so far is pretty good, featuring an updated control scheme from the original GameCube release. The game is still built around the 'lock-on' with mechanics like 'dashing' tied to it; so the ease of free-aim shouldn't affect the gameplay in any negative capacity.

The opening sequence was tight and action packed and gives you a taste of power before stripping it from you. It somewhat betrays the slower feeling of roaming across Tallon IV but nonetheless a great opening. If I had to bring up one issue so far its that the scanning does get a bit annoying given you'll practically be discovering new things in every next room disrupting the pacing slightly.

Interestingly after beating Flaahgra and leaving the Chozo Ruins the frequency of scanning decreases whenever this marks the end of the tutorial or that this specific area is devoid of scannable objects remains to be seen.


November, 2022


2h 0m


Finally got around to trying this; been on my radar for awhile.

As for my first impressions:

The introduction sequence was pretty good, showcased a mix of its various gameplay styles. I think given my minimally acted upon fondness for bullet hells may result in bias towards this game.

Controls feel good to use; but the timing window for dodges might be a bit too lenient as I found dodge spamming certain phases to be a viable strategy. I imagine that timing window will only increase as I progress further into the game.

Obviously just entered the tutorial section and its kind of jarring pacing wise after such a bombastic opening but I've played enough JRPGs to completion that it's of little consequence to me.
